
Life Updates – I’m Back!

It’s been so long since I’ve had my blog…well, it feels it because of the craziness of the last few years but it’s truly only been about 2.5 years. That said, my life has completely changed for the better and like you, I’m oh so glad to be on the other side of the pandemic. Now we just have to deal with the trauma that it has left us with.

But, since I last blogged, I’ve gotten a new apartment (I finally live by myself!) I found a new job and visa, quit that job and found a new job again, turned 30, finally got to see my family after two whole years, and got to finalize my visa in Brussels and then head home to Ireland for the first time in 2.5 years. Oh, and let us not forget; joined TikTok and found myself the cutest boyfriend that puts up with my endless Instagramming and obsession with the color pink.

It’s been a tough rollercoaster and I’ve grown up a lot. I’ve been so fortunate that my loved ones have stayed relatively well during the pandemic, minus a very scares here and there. I’m so settled in my little dreamy downtown NYC apartment and love my work but when you live in New York, there’s always something. My visa ends next year so I’m re-applying for my O1 and already working on my green card which I’ll likely apply for in 2024 or 2025. Fingers crossed immigration gets cleaned up by then.

The summer is well and truly here in NYC and just today, I booked my second summer 2022 adventure…Las Vegas! We’re also heading to the Bahamas for my birthday too which I am SO excited about as I’ve never been. Last year I got to travel to Arizona, Pittsburgh, Nashville, Palm Springs, and I spent a month in California where I got to visit northern Cali, San Fran, Los Angeles, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach (hiya, Lauren Conrad!), Santa Cruz, and more. Though I was ‘stuck’ in the US for 2.5 years, you have to agree I made the most of it!

Otherwise, I’ll be working a ton (which I love to do) and sharing as much content as I can with you as well (which I also love to do!). I’ve picked up boxing, yoga, and a bootcamp style workout (Barry’s) which are all better than trying to run in the 30 degree NYC summer heat. I enjoy the fitness classes so much; I figured I just love any sort of workouts, and even though I am shy when I first attend a new class, once I push past that part I fly it.

Well, thanks for reading this far. It’s a true ramble but I didn’t know how else to “re-join” the blogging space. I plan to build out a ton of (hopefully) helpful content about NYC, my shopping finds, and general life updates and musings. Anything else you might find useful? Feel free to ping me on Instagram!









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